Thursday, September 24, 2009

Braj Gopika Seva Mission

Sri Guru Charno Main Govind Radhe...

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The good sanskars (deeds) of previous births cause a natural inclination towards the path of God in people. Such people get naturally
drawn towards the spiritual world. Many questions spontaneously come up from within: who am i? What is God? What is the aim of life? How can I make this life successful? Many such questions arise in the hearts of people. The saint kabir says – hari sumire so bar hai, guru sumire so paar – by taking the lord’s name you have reached only the start of your journey. You will reach your destination only by the grace of the guru.
Don’t expect much from the fact that you are chanting God’s name. How can you love someone whom you have never met or seen? How can such love be spontaneous? Neither have you seen him nor do you know where to look for him. All that you know is that there is some search, some thirst, and some turbulence inside you. But what is the ahead?
The guru is the only way. Only the guru.